The Virtually Linked eSeries

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This e series was introduced as a response to the recent events of a pandemic which has resulted in a significant number of the workforce work remotely. Whilst this is already a habit for some individuals, for others, this is a new venture into the virtual workplace. The series aims to go beyond providing you with helpful working from home tips to really exploring what this new virtual workplace looks like and how you can broaden your existing skillset to thrive in a virtual environment. Virtually Linked is a 4-part eSeries, following on from the introductory ebook below.

Virtually Linked - A new workplace

Now Live

The introductory book introducing the new virtual workplace and what that means for now and going forward.

Virtual Leadership

Coming soon

People with the adaptability to bridge, lever and value differences between individuals and groups, humanize virtual relationships and interactions to quickly form ways of working that value contribution.

Digital Literacy

Coming soon

People with the access, appetite and ability to make the most effective use of new communications and collaboration technologies to flourish in a virtual working environment.

Virtual Teaming

Coming soon

People with the thinking and behavioural agility and adaptability to build strong virtual networks and relationships across organisational boundaries.

Collaborating for Results

Coming Soon

People with the mindsets and skills to work together to co-produce high levels of performance, develop innovate and create value in complex virtual environments.

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