Adoption Information for Managers

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Below are some key things you should consider and do.

  • You should visit the Adoption page on P&OAnytime and read the Council’s Adoption Guidance.
  • The employee should notify you of their intentions and provide you with the completed Application for Adoption Leave form. You should send this form to People and Organisation.
  • HR will send you the Adoption Leave Checklist for Managers, click here for an example of the checklist. This checklist provides a breakdown of what needs to be done by you at each stage of the adoption process such as recording of keeping in touch (KIT) days.
  • You should note forthcoming pre-adoption appointments or antenatal appointments for surrogacy (the employee should provide as much notice as possible, providing evidence).
  • You may need to consider the employee’s workload, handover arrangements and whether any cover will be required to fill the post.
  • If the employee is considering flexible working on their return to work, they should contact you re this far in advance as possible and submit the application form prior to you. You should consider any such request and make any necessary arrangements.
  • Discuss with the employee, arrangements for their return, including their job and ensure they receive all appropriate updates eg a new system.

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